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5 ways insurance companies try to reduce your claim

On Behalf of | Aug 7, 2024 | PERSONAL INJURY (PLAINTIFF) - Car Accidents

Getting injured in a car accident can lead to a complex web of challenges. You may suffer traumatic injuries, face financial losses and deal with emotional stress all at the same time. In the middle of this already hectic situation, battling with your insurance company can add even more stress and hinder your recovery.

Unfortunately, while your goal is to receive fair compensation for your injuries, the insurance company might want to minimize your claim as much as possible. They have developed sneaky tactics to achieve this goal, and it is essential to be aware of them.

1. Delay, deny, defend

One common tactic insurance companies use is the “three Ds.” They will delay responding to your claim, deny liability or defend against your injuries. This can lead to frustration, financial strain and even acceptance of a lowball offer.

2. Lowball offers

When insurance companies make an initial offer that is significantly lower than your claim’s worth, it is often a scheme to get you to settle quickly. They are hoping to settle the claim before you realize the full extent of your injuries.

3. Misrepresenting policy coverage

Insurance companies might mislead you about your policy coverage or the extent of their liability. It is essential to stay informed about your policy and not rely solely on the insurance company’s interpretation.

4. Downplaying injuries

Your insurance company may try to downplay the severity of your injuries or claim that they are not related to the accident. Make sure to document all your injuries and medical treatments, and seek a second opinion if necessary.

5. Ignoring evidence

Insurance companies might ignore or dispute evidence that supports your claim. Keep a detailed record of all evidence, including photos, videos and witness statements.

Fight for the compensation you deserve

Handling claims with insurance companies can be overwhelming, especially when you are trying to recover from injuries. That is where a lawyer’s help can be invaluable. An experienced personal injury lawyer with a deep understanding of the insurance industry can level the playing field and fight for your rights. Do not let insurance companies hinder you from receiving the compensation you deserve.



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